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Dieses Thema hat 4 Antworten
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nickrudge Offline

Beiträge: 22

13.10.2007 17:09
TT double floatbowl Antworten

I have a bronze double floatbowl with a 15 degree angle.
I am looking for a 0 angle floatbowl.
Is anybody interested to make a swop ???



m.schenker Offline

Beiträge: 83

14.10.2007 00:47
#2 RE: TT double floatbowl Antworten
Hi Alex, you're not the only one... I've got a 7,5 and a 15 degree one as well but no level one. They seem to be quite rare... Here on my 10TT36 brass carb which will end up on the Ulster head after changing the flange.

Best, Martin
Angefügte Bilder:
10TT36_twin_a.jpg   10TT36_twin_b.jpg   10TT36_twin_c.jpg  
nickrudge Offline

Beiträge: 22

14.10.2007 02:31
#3 RE: TT double floatbowl Antworten

Hi Martin,

Yes they are quit rare, I have several of these floatbowls but non of them is a 0 degree.
There is someone in France who I met some years ago which is making these floatbowls but they cost over a 1000,- Euro which is to much for me.
Isn't it an idea to see if it is worth to make a small batch of these ourselves ??
Take a look at this website, this guy is really an artist :
Maybe you know this guy allready.



rudgeracer Offline

Beiträge: 90

14.10.2007 08:54
#4 RE: TT double floatbowl Antworten
m.schenker Offline

Beiträge: 83

14.10.2007 13:53
#5 RE: TT double floatbowl Antworten
Hmm, those repros have a different (older) form than the 30's TT bowls. The ones I have are "square" not round on the bottom (looking from the side). Still the price is higher than I paid for one complete TT carb with the 15 deg. double float on it... (CHF 850 = £350 or €500). Looks great, nice work but currently I can't and won't shell out that much for double floats.

Wilfried or "brufnut" is a wizard. He can do most things I wouldn't even dare to think about... He rebuild a Binks carb for me in exchange for some brass float bowls. Excellent!

Thanks, Martin
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